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The conservative pundit grift machine is dependent upon two major things, like a fire triangle: 1) Financial donations and 2) Manufactured outrage. Recently, Twitter’s Bearded Boy Jesse Farrar made a tweet about drowning conservatives, which was picked up by rabid extraperiodontal nerd Charlie Kirk, who later went on Fox news to call Jesse (and his […]

Modeling is nothing like what you might see on TV or in the movies. It’s often profoundly dull, it’s rarely glamorous, and it can be extremely tiring. There are moments where you feel like a million bucks, but those are few and far between. You spend most of your days running around for “go-sees” (auditions […]

Over the Christmas break, multiple stories in the news broke about how there was a new wave of people who are spreading a very dumb idea: “White Genocide” as a justification for their alt-right (White Supremacist) views. There is nothing on this earth that is quite as dumb or as malicious as a White Supremacist, […]

Since the rise of anti-vaccine propaganda, a very hot phrase online for people who believe in things that run contrary to accepted truths is Do your own research Let’s break down what these people seem to mean for a second. Doing your own research when you’re in a medical or paramedical field means one of two […]

First in a series on project managing life by Karen Geier Learn it, Live it, Love it I had zero choice growing up as to whether I would learn to be punctual. Both of my parents are militarily precise on arriving early. Part of this comes from a tradition on my dad’s side. Germans have worked […]

Pokemon Go killed my mother. Pokemon Go prevented me from attending my first choice College Pokemon Go gave me crippling arthritis and GERD Pokemon Go made my fiance leave me at the altar Pokemon Go got me hooked on a street drug called Choin, which is Adderall, Ecstasy and Pixie stix mixed together. You snort […]

Image courtesy Mélanie Côté Loken When I was a child, my mother would make a cake for my birthday every single year. She had a book of “cut-up cakes,” which seemed like a starter kit for wacky moms of the ‘80s. This book had templates to follow for every one of the unique, hours-long adventures that […]

It’s very easy to smoke-rotiss a chicken (provided your grill has a rotisserie kit.) It’s seriously good Buy some smoke chips and 2 smoker boxes. (Good combinations for chicken:) Apple and Pecan Cherry and Pecan Cherry and Apple Apple and Hickory Soak the chips according to the instructions and fill 2 smoker boxes. Place one […]

“I Hope When You Get Cancer…” It’s no secret I roundly detested Rob Ford. Rob Ford was an actual bona fide menace to society in the Greater Toronto Area for much of his life, from the time he was a high school bully/drug dealer until the time (and after) a child died in the botched […]

8 easy tips for how to Tweet as a woman Listen up, ladies! The internet has changed all of our lives. Social media is no exception, but if you’re going to talk about stuff that’s important to you on Twitter, it’s important to know how to triage your thoughts so you don’t incite the ire […]