Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’

The conservative pundit grift machine is dependent upon two major things, like a fire triangle: 1) Financial donations and 2) Manufactured outrage. Recently, Twitter’s Bearded Boy Jesse Farrar made a tweet about drowning conservatives, which was picked up by rabid extraperiodontal nerd Charlie Kirk, who later went on Fox news to call Jesse (and his […]

Over the Christmas break, multiple stories in the news broke about how there was a new wave of people who are spreading a very dumb idea: “White Genocide” as a justification for their alt-right (White Supremacist) views. There is nothing on this earth that is quite as dumb or as malicious as a White Supremacist, […]

For some people, the goal of being on Twitter is to become popular. People chase the dream of being retweeted or followed by celebrities, or having a tweet go viral. I have had a few tweets go viral over the years, but I wouldn’t say I am particularly proud of them: This tweet isn’t even […]