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Lately, there has been much printed about the act of spooning and how it’s not that great. The author of this Slate piece could not be more wrong.  I counter that spooning is great, and perhaps the author should look past what is an undertaker-like description of “where to put all the arms and legs” […]

It’s nearly time for football and buffalo wing dip (yes, that’s a thing), but before you can enjoy killing your liver on an old couch with your nearest and dearest, it’s important to plan for Thanksgiving success. Lots of places will tell you how best to “deal with” or “navigate” or even “win” Thanksgiving with […]

“Christmas Candle Salad” Every year when Thanksgiving articles begin to get posted, I start to get GERD. It means Christmas is coming. (Unless you’re Costco, and Labor Day means Christmas is coming.) November is the harbinger for the worst time of the year, and a time when more than ever, you’re expected to not only enjoy […]

For some people, the goal of being on Twitter is to become popular. People chase the dream of being retweeted or followed by celebrities, or having a tweet go viral. I have had a few tweets go viral over the years, but I wouldn’t say I am particularly proud of them: This tweet isn’t even […]

LEAKED: The Real Things All Successful People Do Before Breakfast You’ve seen the videos. You’ve read the articles. You’ve felt self conscious about your lackadaisical routine. But what if that advice was just the facade these successful people use to obscure their real routines? Through an unknown source using the account, we now know […]

Canadians have endured a 3 month election process that has been as rollicking a ride as it has been an exercise in extreme futility. Of the major parties, each have their share of deterrents: The CPC have pissed a surplus away into consecutive deficits and job losses, the Liberals have shown questionable judgement on race […]